Monday, June 3, 2013

I Was a Strong-Willed Child

    I was a strong -willed child. There were four of us in our family, 2 boys, 2 girls. I was the only one that my mother prayed that I would recieve a child like myself. I now call her on a regular basis, and say, ", (isert: pause, with a broken sob) I am so sorry! Seriously people...if reality shows were in back then, we would be a hit show. The drama....
My dad is a six foot, one inch, 240 pound, ex-marine/truck driver. It is by the Grace of God that I am still alive. That's right, I was that strong willed that I even took on my father! My siblings told me a couple of years ago, that they could never understand why I would never take a spanking and just been done with it. (The spankings, that we deserved, by the way) Instead, I would insist, that they never hurt! "Never give in to the enemy!" was my motto.Well, it's funny because I could never  understand why they would give in so easily. I thought everybody thought like I did! But, I was wrong. Turns out, that's part of what makes a strong-willed child child tick.
     My mom's prayers were answered, and I am pretty sure that out of the four of them, three of them are strong-willed. So this blog will have two reasons. One is to encourage others that have strong willed children, because, let's be honest, who talks about this stuff on facebook! And, second, as a record of the wonderful challenges that come with raising a strong willed child for Jesus. Because,one day, I would imagine that one of my children will need encouragemet in raising a strong-willed child. It's ecouraging to me, to call my mom, and have her tell stories of me when I was completly pycho, and know, that today, I am a completly normal adult! So there's hope, parents!

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