Thursday, April 14, 2011

Not Quite Five...

  We went. To the doctor. It was a horrendous adventure. One that I care not to repeat. It was a come to Jesus meeting for all involved. I made the descision not to bring the double stroller. Bad idea. This was not the first time. Other times it went well. They were instructed on their behavior beforehand. No wrestling, no fighting, and when the doctor is speaking and when I speak to the doctor you are to be as quiet as possible. Gavin was instructed in his role as big brother. Then apparently aliens swooped down and replaced their brain with children who did not know the wrath of this mama. It was embarrasing, so then I had to admit the sin of pride. They wrestled, they talked while the doctor talked, they crawled under the chairs. I played the daddy card when we were finally in the van. Your daddy will speak to you when he gets home. When we got home I asked Michaela, "What did you do wrong?" Her big blue eyes wide, and in her still baby voice, " I dun no" as she shrugs her shoulders. I turn to Generel, the same question. " I had bad a'tude?"  with a perplexed look on his face. Surely they remember, or did the aliens return my children just in time? And then there is Gavin. He knows. He is already apoligizing. He  also had apoligized for the same behavior he did yesterday. So I told Gavin, if you are really sorry, then show me, change your behavior. He is in his room now. It is unusually quiet. I told him to speak to Jesus about this. He says he does not want to. But it is so quiet. I have to remind myself that he is not quite five. There is hope for him. I have not ruined him yet. Said with a giggle and a sigh. I want him to love Jesus with a never ending passion, but I can't force it. So I pray for the Lord to give me wisdom, and remind myself that he is not quite five...

1 comment:

  1. Oh friend- I love the blog! And your font is super cute, by the way! We will be praying for healing from sickness for your family.Love you!
